How Dows a Diva
eXchange Party Work?
It’s simple! Bring items from your closet that you
don’t want and pick out items at the Diva Clothing Exchange Party that you do want!

1. RSVP when you receive an invitation.  Let us know how many people will be coming with you.

2. Clean out your clothing closets & accessory chests!  Bring the shoes, clothes, jewelry, purses and accessories you haven’t worn in ages, or have never worn, but can’t seem to throw out. All sizes welcome!

3. Choose your clean, new or gently worn items. Place on hangers, as necessary. Pack business cards and flyers for the networking table.

4. Bring your items along with a friend or two. The more people of different styles and sizes, the more great stuff you can swap!

5. Arrive early.  All items not swapped will be given to a charity of choice.

"I brought 12 items and left with 2 new clients and a fabulous pair of designer shoes!   Better than any networking event I have 
ever been to"
"I lost 35 pounds after lap band surgery. I needed smaller clothes and found some great items at the Diva eXchange."
"It was amazing to see other women get excited about the clothes I brought. 

The Diva eXchange is recycling and regifting at it's best!"
"Thank you so much for hosting such a fun event. Such Value..I brought 5 things to the party and went home with 12."
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